How To Find Your Community On Campus
How To Find Your Community On Campus
Starting college and transitioning from high school to a life of greater independence can be challenging. There is so much to learn and so much to adjust to as you navigate a more rigorous academic environment and plan for your future. As you step onto campus for the first time it can all feel quite daunting. On top of this, equally as intimidating is forming new social connections and finding a sense of belonging. Finding your community on campus and having a group you can lean on is important — it can help you navigate the college experience more smoothly.
How To Find Your Community On Campus
While beginning your college journey brings many challenges, it can also be tough when you haven’t yet found your community. Fortunately for you, whether you attend a small college or large university, there are plenty of opportunities to make long-lasting connections and share interests with like-minded individuals. In this blog, we’ll go over four tips on how you can find your community on campus.
1. Explore campus clubs, organizations, and Greek life
A great way to immerse yourself on campus and meet like-minded individuals along the way is to explore and participate in different student clubs and organizations. There are a variety of clubs to choose from, whether you're interested in sports, art, politics, or volunteering. If there isn’t a club you are interested in, you can create a new club and recruit other students who share your passion.
Additionally, you can explore your college’s Greek life and become a part of a sorority or fraternity if that is something that interests you. These undergraduate organizations provide students with academic support, career networking, leadership opportunities, and a chance to make life-long relationships. No matter what club or organization you join, you’ll gain a sense of community and make strong connections.
NJIT has over 140 different student clubs and organizations and offers many opportunities for community service and projects. Whether you’re interested in joining a cultural organization, pre-professional club, or a service-oriented group, you are bound to find a group you can share your interests with at NJIT.
2. Attend campus events
Attending campus events can be a great way to meet new people all while engaging in your interests and learning something new. Be sure to attend events such as lectures, workshops, performances, and social gatherings, as these events can help you get a sense of the college environment and meet new people. Also, attending events such as orientation events, welcome parties, and campus-sponsored activities during the first few weeks of school can allow you to meet others who are new to campus and acclimate to campus life.
Campus events provide opportunities to meet new people and connect with others who share similar interests. There are often multiple, free on-campus events happening every week that cover a wide array of topics. Keep an eye out for upcoming campus events you may be interested in attending. Check your school email, flyers, and bulletin boards for different events. You can also check out your school’s Office of Student Life to find current events and opportunities you can participate in.
3. Get involved in residential life
Living on campus can be one of the best ways to get the most out of your college experience and make life-long friendships. If you’re living on campus, taking advantage of residential life can help you find your tight-knit community. Get involved in residence hall activities and programs such as floor meetings, community dinners, and dorm-wide events. These resident hall events can help you get to know your neighbors and build friendships with fellow students.
Another way you can get involved in resident life is to apply for a leadership position such as a Resident Assistant (RA). RAs work closely with other RAs in the dormitory, plan residence hall events, and interact with residents in their assigned area. Not only does being an RA help you develop valuable leadership and communication skills, but it can also be a great way to build new friendships.
NJIT boasts a vibrant residential community, with four fully furnished residence halls, over 2000 students living on campus, and easy access to New York City, the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark Museum, and Rutgers University- Newark. At NJIT, there are plenty of opportunities to make meaningful connections and make the most of your college experience.
4. Utilize campus resources
Whether you live on campus or commute, if you want to meet new people, taking advantage of campus resources can be one of the best ways to begin building your inner circle in college. Visit the student center, library, and campus recreation facilities, such as the gym as these spaces often host study groups, workshops, and recreational activities where you can meet other students. You can also find like-minded individuals by making use of academic support services and academic-based student organizations since these resources usually hold events throughout the year dedicated to specific majors or academic interests.
As an NJIT student, NJIT makes it easy to get involved on campus as you’ll have access to all the resources you need for your academic, professional, and personal success. Visit the Robert W. Van Houten Library where you can book group study rooms with classmates, check out career development services for networking events, or visit the Wellness and Events Center, which hosts various recreational venues, activities, and social spaces, and even a fitness center.
Find your community at NJIT
Finding your community on campus takes the courage to put yourself out there, but it is well worth the effort. Your college community is where you'll find support, friendship, and a sense of belonging. And, it is where you can make connections that stick with you after graduation and beyond. College isn’t just about your academics and career, but it is also about the relationships you form along the way, which can have a significant impact on your life.
With over 140 clubs and organizations, a diverse student body, Greek life, and various programs and events, no matter your interests, there is a place for you at NJIT. Apply today and become part of NJIT's vibrant community.